Fifnmar edited 4 年,10 月前
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
/* PreCondition:
h is a head pointer of a linked-list
return the head pointer of the sorted linked-list
NODE* SortRationalList(NODE* h) {
// 一般我特别讨厌 EOJ 上这种固定主程序的题,因为它们的代码一般写的
// 特别烂,而且连 Markdown 格式都不会用,复制还得自己调。不过这个
// 还好,代码写得至少能看。
// 但是能看只是能看,其实还是跟屎一样,只不过消了毒吃不死而已。
using namespace std;
struct Fraction {
int32_t numerator;
uint32_t denominator;
bool operator<(Fraction const& frac) const {
auto lhs = static_cast<int64_t>(numerator)* frac.denominator;
auto rhs = static_cast<int64_t>(frac.numerator)* denominator;
if (lhs == rhs) {
return numerator < frac.numerator;
} else {
return lhs < rhs;
Fraction(string const& num) {
auto pos = num.find('/');
if (pos == string::npos) {
numerator = stol(num);
denominator = 1;
} else {
numerator = stol(num.substr(0, pos));
denominator = stoul(num.substr(pos + 1));
struct Frac_node {
Node* crude_ptr;
Fraction frac;
bool operator<(Frac_node const rhs) const {
// Frac_node is small enough to be copied instead of referenced.
return frac < rhs.frac;
vector<Frac_node> node_table;
for (Node* iter = h; iter != nullptr; iter = iter->next) {
node_table.push_back({ iter, { iter->value } });
node_table.push_back({ nullptr, {"0"} }); // sentinel.
sort(node_table.begin(), node_table.end() - 1);
for (size_t sz = node_table.size() - 1, i = 0; i != sz; ++i) {
node_table[i].crude_ptr->next = node_table[i + 1].crude_ptr;
return node_table.front().crude_ptr;