37 人解决,60 人已尝试。
49 份提交通过,共有 159 份提交。
4.9 EMB 奖励。
单点时限: 2.0 sec
内存限制: 256 MB
Nearly prime number is an integer positive number for which it is possible to find such primes P1 and P2 that given number is equal to P1*P2. There is given a sequence on N integer positive numbers, you are to write a program that prints “Yes” if given number is nearly prime and “No” otherwise.
Input file consists of N+1 numbers. First is positive integer N (1<=N<=10). Next N numbers followed by N. Each number is not greater than 10^9. All numbers separated by whitespace(s).
Write a line in output file for each number of given sequence. Write “Yes” in it if given number is nearly prime and “No” in other case.
1 6
37 人解决,60 人已尝试。
49 份提交通过,共有 159 份提交。
4.9 EMB 奖励。
创建: 17 年,1 月前.
修改: 7 年,4 月前.
最后提交: 1 年,7 月前.
来源: N/A