2478. No Cheating

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A local high school is going to hold a final exam in a big classroom. However, some students in this school are always trying to see each other’s answer sheet during exams!

The classroom can be regarded as a rectangle of $M$ rows by $N$ columns of unit squares, where each unit square represents a seat.

The school principal decided to set the following rule to prevent cheating:

Assume a student is able to see his left, right, upper-left, and upper-right neighbors’ answer sheets. The assignment of seats must guarantee that nobody’s answer sheet can be seen by any other student.

As in this picture, it will not be a good idea to seat anyone in A, C, D, or E because the boy in the back row would be able to see their answer sheets. However, if there is a girl sitting in B, he will not be able to see her answer sheet.

Some seats in the classroom are broken, and we cannot put a student in a broken seat.

The principal asked you to answer the following question: What is the maximum number of students that can be placed in the classroom so that no one can cheat?


The first line of input gives the number of cases, $C$ $(C=20)$. $C$ test cases follow. Each case consists of two parts.

The first part is a single line with two integers $M$ $(1 \le M \le 80)$ and $N$ $(1 \le N \le 80)$: The height and width of the rectangular classroom.

The second part will be exactly $M$ lines, with exactly $N$ characters in each of these lines. Each character is either a . (the seat is not broken) or x (the seat is broken, lowercase x).


For each test case, output one line containing Case #X: Y, where X is the case number, starting from $1$, and Y is the maximum possible number of students that can take the exam in the classroom.


2 3
2 3
2 3
10 10
Case #1: 4
Case #2: 1
Case #3: 2
Case #4: 46

3 人解决,13 人已尝试。

4 份提交通过,共有 59 份提交。

9.3 EMB 奖励。

创建: 15 年,4 月前.

修改: 6 年,9 月前.

最后提交: 3 年,7 月前.

来源: CodeJam 08
