93 人解决,388 人已尝试。
200 份提交通过,共有 3264 份提交。
6.0 EMB 奖励。
单点时限: 15.0 sec
内存限制: 256 MB
Given a positive integer, your job is writing a program to determine whether it is a prime number or not.
There are thousands of tests. Each test consists of a positive integer $n$ (no more than $2^{32} - 1$) on a single line. Input is terminated by end of file.
For each integer in the input, print a YES
if it is a prime number, otherwise print a NO
4 5 6
93 人解决,388 人已尝试。
200 份提交通过,共有 3264 份提交。
6.0 EMB 奖励。