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In the beginning, there were no primes, or numbers. And God said, “let there be numbers,” and there were numbers. God thought that it might be a beautiful thing to have some of these numbers added up, and he called some of the sums “primes”.
Some scholars argued that there should be no more than $8$ numbers God first created, as the largest prime written in these ancient books was $233$. But others found this not convincing, as it was debatable whether $233$ was a prime.
If the legend somehow confuses you, here is a more formal version:
Find out the smallest positive integer $k$ such that there is a set (non-repeated) of positive integers $X$ where $|X|=k$, and any prime number in ${1,2,\ldots,n}$ can be expressed as the sum of a subset of $X$.
The input only consists of one line $n$ ($1 \le n \le 233$).
Output the smallest $k$ in the first line.
Then output $k$ positive integers separated with space, denoting $X$. You can output the set in any order you want. The numbers should be distinct. You should not output any number larger than $10^9$. (it doesn’t make sense anyway.)
1 2
2 2 3
3 2 1 4
Explanation of example 3: primes no larger than $10$ are $2, 3, 5, 7$. $2=2$, $3=1+2$, $5=1+4$, $7=1+2+4$.
Hint: The time limit is deliberately set to be very tight.
5 人解决,18 人已尝试。
6 份提交通过,共有 282 份提交。
8.8 EMB 奖励。