210 人解决,324 人已尝试。
218 份提交通过,共有 805 份提交。
3.4 EMB 奖励。
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内存限制: 512 MB
XY_cpp is learning Concrete Math, and he sees the $O(1)$ method to solve $\sum_{k=1}^n\sqrt{k}$. It so happens that XY_cpp’s best friend GCY is learning math. So XY_cpp decides to put her to the test. However, GCY thinks it is too hard for her to calculate the general equation, and she asks for a lower level of difficulty. So XY_cpp gives her this problem instead:
Caculate the value of the following equation:
Could you help pool GCY?
The first line contains an integer $T\ (1\le T\le10^4)$.
In the following $T$ lines, each line contains a integer $n\ (0\le n\le 10^9)$.
$T$ lines, each line has one integer.
The $i$th line denots the answer to the $i$th quation.
5 5 17 73 97 76
10 34 146 194 152
6 258503958 370231976 819140588 535936902 72463931 494080578
259383316635 444618282352 1463433091860 774421111620 38480001172 685483769799
$\lfloor x\rfloor$ denotes rounding down $x$.
210 人解决,324 人已尝试。
218 份提交通过,共有 805 份提交。
3.4 EMB 奖励。
创建: 1 年,9 月前.
修改: 1 年,9 月前.
最后提交: 1 月,1 周前.
来源: N/A