Competitive Programming: For Beginners (2018)
18:30 - 20:30 Wednesday, Week 8 - 14 (?) or 15 (?)
Recommended Textbook
- 挑战程序设计竞赛 (第 2 版) 秋叶拓哉 等
You can download PDF from the Internet (there is no copyright guarantee), or you can buy one from online.
Hopefully, we will cover most of the important and nice points in the textbook.
- Lecture 1 (Week 8): Enumerating skills; dynamic programming. (Textbook 2.1, 2.3)
- Lecture 2 (Week 9): Mathematics fundamentals.
- Lecture 3 (Week 10): (Advanced) Data Structures.
- Lecture 4 (Week 11): Computational Geometry.
- Lecture 5 (Week 12): Graph Theory.
You should do the reading BEFORE the lecture, otherwise you would probably have a lot of confusions.
- BEFORE Lecture 1: Textbook 1.1 - 1.6, 2.1 - 2.3
You can do the exercises before the lecture, or after, as you like.
Hopefully we will discuss about the exercises from the last lecture before every lecture.
- Exercise 1: [problem set]
- Exercise 2: [problem set]